Fiercely embracing mindful living strategies with intention, integrity and inspiration to enhance professional outcomes.

Fiercely embracing mindful living strategies with intention, integrity and inspiration to enhance professional outcomes. 

At Tierce, we believe that leading a life of intention is one of the keys to success in business and at home.  A deeper connection to ourselves through mindful living enhances our professional capabilities. 

Our workshops focus on principles that bridge both professional and personal development to design your definition of success.  

Stay connected with us by signing up for our newsletter here or follow us on Instagram.

I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to participate in the tierce workshop: Introduction to Grounding Practises for Enhanced Communication. Laura established a warm, welcoming group culture – a safe space for open reflection and dialogue about our personal communication habits and experiences, which allowed us to learn from her expertise as well as each other. I came away from the workshop with a number of concrete tools and techniques to help me to communicate more intentionally, and I have applied them with success in both professional and personal interactions. I would highly recommend this workshop from tierce for anyone seeking unique insights and techniques to help them communicate more effectively.
~ Kelly R.
Government of Ontario